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Endowment Report 2023
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Featured Stories
Sending some love to our donors Your support enables our students, faculty and staff to be their very best....
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Western, RBC team up on data analytics, AI
The next generation of leaders will be better armed against...
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Thompson Centre launch to further engineering education
Success, John Thompson warned, takes more than a great idea....
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Gift advances dentistry education, profession
Dentalcorp, a partnership of Canada’s largest network of dental clinics,...
Granddaughter’s epilepsy battle inspires $2.5-million donation
Spurred on by their granddaughter’s ongoing battle with epilepsy, Western Chancellor Jack...
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Western’s Special Olympics legacy grows
Western University is ‘carrying the torch’ that Special Olympics pioneer...
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Tens of thousands of ALS patients and their...
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Faculties & Areas
Arts & Humanities
Don Wright Faculty of Music 求电脑免费的加速器 Engineering Health Sciences Information & Media Studies Ivey Business
School Law 求电脑免费的加速器 Science Social Science Western Athletics Western Libraries
Support the Student Relief Fund
This fund will direct critical resources to students experiencing unforeseen financial challenges related to family members who are out-of-work, health and wellness expenses, canceled or delayed internships, a lack of available summer jobs and other unbudgeted needs caused by the COVID-19 crisis.
Western University, Department of Alumni Relations & Development
Westminster Hall, Suite 110
London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7
Tel: 519-661-4200 or 1-800-423-9631 (toll free)
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